Buying Tickets
A subscription gives you: 8 tickets, Full Season, or 4 tickets, Half Season. Select specific shows or order the entire Season. For example: one Adult Full Season may be used to buy one adult ticket to 8 shows, or two adult tickets to 4 shows. One Youth Half Season may be used to buy 2 youth tickets to 2 shows. Suggestion: You can buy a subscription and share it between friends, use your imagination. All tickets are general admission.
Subscribers Receive The Following Benefits
- Your name in the performance programs
- The satisfaction of supporting the arts in Socorro
- Can exchange tickets at any time during the current season
- NMT Employees can do a Payroll Deduction, either by selecting this payment option on the Season Calendar Subscription Order Form, or by emailing or calling the PAS, pas@tt99949.com or 575-835-5688.
Subscription Prices
Full Season: 8 Tickets -- $120/Adult; $96/Senior; $40/Youth
Half Season: 4 Tickets -- $60/Adult; $48/Senior; $20/Youth
Extra tickets with the subscription: $15/Adult; $12/Senior; $5.00/Youth
Youth is 17 and under; Senior is 65 and over
Or, mail in the Subscription Order Form in the Season Calendar to:
Call: (575) 835-5688; Email: pas@tt99949.com
Single-Nonsubscription Ticket Prices
$20/Adult; $15/Senior; $8/Youth
Purchase Single Tickets
New Mexico Tech Regular Students
Undergraduates enrolled in 6 hours or more receive ONE FREE Ticket per show--to be
used by NMT Students ONLY--available at the door or at a place on campus (tbd soon)
on a first-come basis. Spouses and Children of NEW MEXICO TECH REGULAR STUDENTS can
get half-price PAS tickets. Call 835-5688 or email pas@tt99949.com to reserve ticket.